How Can You Maintain Good Oral Health At Home?

How Can You Maintain Good Oral Health At Home?

Posted by DR. LEE on Oct 13 2022, 04:38 AM

Good oral health starts at home. With some simple tips, you can keep many numerous issues at bay. Here are some ways you can maintain good oral health at home.

Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth Daily

One of the most important things you can do at home to maintain good oral health is to brush and floss every day. You should spend at least two minutes brushing every morning and every night to help clear away food particles as well as harmful plaque from the surface of your teeth. Be sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste that contains fluoride. Flossing helps to remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth, helping to protect your gums against gingivitis. Most people should aim to floss at least once per day. If you are having a hard time reaching certain areas of the mouth with a toothbrush, consider using an interdental brush to clean your teeth more effectively. 

Regular Dental Checkup

You should schedule a checkup with your dentist every six months to help prevent issues from occurring with your teeth and gums. These visits allow your dentist to provide you with a professional cleaning and to conduct a thorough examination to check for any signs of cavities or gum disease. In many cases, your dentist will be able to treat these issues in their early stages to ensure they do not progress to the point of causing more permanent damage to your oral health. 

Older patients may benefit from more frequent checkups during the year to help maintain their oral and overall health. Additionally, if you are experiencing tooth pain or other symptoms that may indicate an issue, then you should schedule an appointment so the issue can be properly diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

Using a Tongue Scraper

One of the best at-home oral hygiene tools is the tongue scraper. Tongue scrapers work by scraping away unwanted bacteria and food particles from the surface of the tongue. These bacteria are responsible for a number of oral health issues, including bad breath and tooth decay. By removing these bacteria from the mouth, you can help to improve the health of your smile.

If you suffer from chronic bad breath, using a tongue scraper can also help to eliminate this problem. Bacteria are one of the leading causes of bad breath. Therefore, by cleaning your tongue and removing these harmful agents from your oral cavity, you can eliminate the odor coming from your mouth.

Rinsing With An Antiseptic Mouthwash

An antibacterial rinse can help to kill off bacteria that linger after brushing and flossing; however, bear in mind that an over-the-counter mouth rinse cannot take the place of a thorough dental cleaning or checkup. If you’re in need of professional care, schedule an appointment with the dentist today! 

The dentists at Downtown Concord Dental can help you improve your smile. We are located at 2151 Salvio St Suite A-1, Concord, CA 94520. Contact us at (925) 566-8738 or visit our website to book an appointment with us. 

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2151 Salvio St Suite A-1, Concord, CA 94520

Phone: (925) 566-8738